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Page Revision: 2012/10/15 12:57

Definition of a Security

The Security Definition message is used in defining the characteristics of exchanges, contracts and securities. It includes several tags that describe. 1. Accept the security defined in a Security Definition message. 2. Accept the security defined in a Security Definition message with changes to the definition and/or identity of the security. 3. Reject the security requested in a Security Definition message

Message Dictionary

TagField NameReq'dComments
Standard HeaderYMsgType = c
320SecurityReqIDYSecurity Definition Request identifier. Must be unique to distinguish security definition requests
322SecurityResponseIDYSecurity Definition Request identifier. Must be unique to distinguish security definition requests
321SecurityRequestTypeYType of Security Definition Request. Always set to 3 (i.e. Request List of Securities)
263SecurityTypeNIndicates type of security. The following values can be used:
FUT = Futures
OPT = Options
STK = Stock
SYN = Synthetic
BIN = Binary Option
207SecurityExchangeNExchange. This is the T4 Exchange ID.
55SymbolNContract within an Exchange. This is the T4 Contract ID.
48SecurityIDNMarket (i.e. Security) for a given Contract. This is the T4 Market ID.
201PutOrCallNPut Or Call identifier (for Options Security Type). The following values can be used:
0 = Put
1 = Call
Standard TrailerY

320 SecurityReqID 322 SecurityResponseID Identifier for the Security Definition message 323 SecurityResponseType 393 TotalNumSecurities 55 Symbol Symbol of the requested Security 48 SecurityID Security ID of the requested Security 167 SecurityType Type of Security

762 SecuritySubType Must be specified if a Future or Option. If a Future: Symbol, SecurityType, and MaturityMonthYear are required. If an Option: Symbol, SecurityType, MaturityMonthYear, PutOrCall, and StrikePrice are required.

Set to "?" if Security Definition Request is looking for the Security Types 200 MaturityMonthYear Specifiesthe month and year of maturity. Required if MaturityDay is specified. 201 PutOrCall For Options. 202 StrikePrice For Options. 207 SecurityExchange 107 SecurityDesc 15 Currency 58 Text Comment, instructions, or other identifying information.

Repeating Group 555 NoLegs Number of legs Component(-) InstrumentLeg Leg Must be provided if Number of legs > 0

600 LegSymbol @Sym 601 LegSymbolSfx @Sfx 602 LegSecurityID @ID 603 LegSecurityIDSource @Src Component(-) LegSecAltIDGrp LegAID

Repeating Group 604 NoLegSecurityAltID @NoLegSecAltID 605 LegSecurityAltID @SecAltID 606 LegSecurityAltIDSource @SecAltIDSrc end Repeating Group end Component

607 LegProduct @Prod 608 LegCFICode @CFI 609 LegSecurityType @SecTyp 764 LegSecuritySubType @SecSubTyp 610 LegMaturityMonthYear @MMY 611 LegMaturityDate @Mat 1212 LegMaturityTime @MatTm 248 LegCouponPaymentDate @CpnPmt 249 LegIssueDate @Issued 250 LegRepoCollateralSecurityType @RepoCollSecTyp FIX.4.4 251 LegRepurchaseTerm @RepoTrm FIX.4.4 252 LegRepurchaseRate @RepoRt FIX.4.4 253 LegFactor @Fctr 257 LegCreditRating @CrdRtg 599 LegInstrRegistry @Rgstry 596 LegCountryOfIssue @Ctry 597 LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue @StOrProvnc 598 LegLocaleOfIssue @Lcl 254 LegRedemptionDate @Redeem FIX.4.4 612 LegStrikePrice @Strk 942 LegStrikeCurrency @StrkCcy 613 LegOptAttribute @OptA 614 LegContractMultiplier @Cmult 1436 LegContractMultiplierUnit @MultTyp 1440 LegFlowScheduleType @FlowSchedTyp 999 LegUnitOfMeasure @UOM 1224 LegUnitOfMeasureQty @UOMQty 1421 LegPriceUnitOfMeasure @PxUOM 1422 LegPriceUnitOfMeasureQty @PxUOMQty 1001 LegTimeUnit @TmUnit Used to indicate a time unit for the contract (e.g., days, weeks, months, etc.) 1420 LegExerciseStyle @ExerStyle 615 LegCouponRate @CpnRt 616 LegSecurityExchange @Exch 617 LegIssuer @Issr 618 EncodedLegIssuerLen @EncLegIssrLen 619 EncodedLegIssuer @EncLegIssr 620 LegSecurityDesc @Desc 621 EncodedLegSecurityDescLen @EncLegSecDescLen 622 EncodedLegSecurityDesc @EncLegSecDesc 623 LegRatioQty @RatioQty Specific to the (not in ) 624 LegSide @Side Specific to the (not in ) 556 LegCurrency @Ccy Specific to the (not in ) 740 LegPool @Pool Identifies MBS / ABS pool 739 LegDatedDate @Dated 955 LegContractSettlMonth @CSetMo 956 LegInterestAccrualDate @IntAcrl 1358 LegPutOrCall @PutCall Used to express option right 1017 LegOptionRatio @LegOptionRatio LegOptionRatio is provided on covering leg to create a delta neutral spread. In Listed Derivatives, the delta of the leg is multiplied by LegOptionRatio and OrderQty to determine the covering quantity. 566 LegPrice @Px Used to specify an anchor price for a leg as part of the definition or creation of the strategy - not used for execution price.

Component(-) StandardTrailer

Sample Messages

Sample Message for an Outright

<< 10/15/2012 12:27:33 PM  [fixsecuritydefinition] 34=311|49=test|56=T4Test|50=T4FIX|52=20121015-17:27:33.433|320=sc-10/15/2012 12:27:33 PM|322=sd-10/15/2012 12:27:33 PM|323=4|55=ES|107=E-mini S&P 500 Dec12|48=CME_20121200_ESZ2|207=CME_Eq|200=20121200|167=FUT|762=0|562=1|15=USD|1146=12.5|5770=25/1|
[MsgSeqNum] 34 = 311
[SenderCompID] 49 = test
[TargetCompID] 56 = T4Test
[SenderSubID] 50 = T4FIX
[SendingTime] 52 = 20121015-17:27:33.433
[SecurityReqID] 320 = sc-10/15/2012 12:27:33 PM
[SecurityResponseID] 322 = sd-10/15/2012 12:27:33 PM
[Symbol] 55 = ES
[SecurityDesc] 107 = E-mini S&P 500 Dec12
[SecurityID] 48 = CME_20121200_ESZ2
[SecurityExchange] 207 = CME_Eq
[MaturityMonthYear] 200 = 20121200
[SecurityType] 167 = FUT (FUTURE)
[SecuritySubType] 762 = 0 (NONE)
[MinTradeVol] 562 = 1
[Currency] 15 = USD
[MinPriceIncrementAmount] 1146 = 12.5
[PriceRatio] 5770 = 25/1

Sample Message for a Calendar Spread

<< 10/15/2012 12:27:40 PM  [fixsecuritydefinition] 34=313|49=test|56=T4Test|50=T4FIX|52=20121015-17:27:40.297|320=sc-10/15/2012 12:27:40 PM|322=sd-10/15/2012 12:27:40 PM|323=4|55=ES|107=E-mini S&P 500 -Dec12+Mar13|48=CME_20121200_ESZ2-ESH3|207=CME_Eq|200=20121200|167=FUT|762=1|562=1|15=USD|1146=2.5|5770=5/1|555=2|600=ES|623=-1|624=2|602=CME_20121200_ESZ2|556=USD|616=CME_Eq|600=ES|623=1|624=1|602=CME_20130300_ESH3|556=USD|616=CME_Eq|
[MsgSeqNum] 34 = 313
[SenderCompID] 49 = test
[TargetCompID] 56 = T4Test
[SenderSubID] 50 = T4FIX
[SendingTime] 52 = 20121015-17:27:40.297
[SecurityReqID] 320 = sc-10/15/2012 12:27:40 PM
[SecurityResponseID] 322 = sd-10/15/2012 12:27:40 PM
[Symbol] 55 = ES
[SecurityDesc] 107 = E-mini S&P 500 -Dec12+Mar13
[SecurityID] 48 = CME_20121200_ESZ2-ESH3
[SecurityExchange] 207 = CME_Eq
[MaturityMonthYear] 200 = 20121200
[SecurityType] 167 = FUT (FUTURE)
[SecuritySubType] 762 = 1 (CALENDAR_SPREAD)
[MinTradeVol] 562 = 1
[Currency] 15 = USD
[MinPriceIncrementAmount] 1146 = 2.5
[PriceRatio] 5770 = 5/1
[NoLegs] 555 = 2
[LegSymbol] 600 = ES
[LegRatioQty] 623 = -1
[LegSide] 624 = 2 (SELL)
[LegSecurityID] 602 = CME_20121200_ESZ2
[LegCurrency] 556 = USD
[LegSecurityExchange] 616 = CME_Eq
[LegSymbol] 600 = ES
[LegRatioQty] 623 = 1
[LegSide] 624 = 1 (BUY)
[LegSecurityID] 602 = CME_20130300_ESH3
[LegCurrency] 556 = USD
[LegSecurityExchange] 616 = CME_Eq

Sample Message for a (Call) Option

<< 10/15/2012 12:31:22 PM  [fixsecuritydefinition] 34=892|49=test|56=T4Test|50=T4FIX|52=20121015-17:31:06.625|320=sc-10/15/2012 12:31:05 PM|322=sd-10/15/2012 12:31:06 PM|323=4|55=ES|107=E-mini S&P 500 Dec12 143000C|48=CME_20121200_ESZ2 C1430|207=CME_EqOp|200=20121200|167=OPT|762=0|201=1|202=143000|562=1|15=USD|1146=5;P<-500=25;P>500=25;|5770=5/1|
[MsgSeqNum] 34 = 892
[SenderCompID] 49 = test
[TargetCompID] 56 = T4Test
[SenderSubID] 50 = T4FIX
[SendingTime] 52 = 20121015-17:31:06.625
[SecurityReqID] 320 = sc-10/15/2012 12:31:05 PM
[SecurityResponseID] 322 = sd-10/15/2012 12:31:06 PM
[Symbol] 55 = ES
[SecurityDesc] 107 = E-mini S&P 500 Dec12 143000C
[SecurityID] 48 = CME_20121200_ESZ2 C1430
[SecurityExchange] 207 = CME_EqOp
[MaturityMonthYear] 200 = 20121200
[SecurityType] 167 = OPT (OPTION)
[SecuritySubType] 762 = 0 (NONE)
[PutOrCall] 201 = 1 (CALL)
[StrikePrice] 202 = 143000
[MinTradeVol] 562 = 1
[Currency] 15 = USD
[MinPriceIncrementAmount] 1146 = 5;P<-500=25;P>500=25;
[PriceRatio] 5770 = 5/1

Sample Message for multileg strategy (Straddle)

<< 10/15/2012 12:28:00 PM  [fixsecuritydefinition] 34=394|49=test|56=T4Test|50=T4FIX|52=20121015-17:27:57.646|320=sc-10/15/2012 12:27:57 PM|322=sd-10/15/2012 12:27:57 PM|323=4|55=ES|107=E-mini S&P 500 Straddle +Jan13 96000C+96000P|48=CME_33~EqOp,ES,2,201301,96000,1,0~,,3,,,,|207=CME_EqOp|200=20130100|167=OPT|762=33|562=1|15=USD|1146=5;P<-500=25;P>500=25;|5770=5/1|555=2|600=ES|623=1|624=1|602=CME_20130100_ESF3 C0960|556=USD|612=96000|1358=1|616=CME_EqOp|600=ES|623=1|624=1|602=CME_20130100_ESF3 P0960|556=USD|612=96000|1358=0|616=CME_EqOp|
[MsgSeqNum] 34 = 394
[SenderCompID] 49 = test
[TargetCompID] 56 = T4Test
[SenderSubID] 50 = T4FIX
[SendingTime] 52 = 20121015-17:27:57.646
[SecurityReqID] 320 = sc-10/15/2012 12:27:57 PM
[SecurityResponseID] 322 = sd-10/15/2012 12:27:57 PM
[Symbol] 55 = ES
[SecurityDesc] 107 = E-mini S&P 500 Straddle +Jan13 96000C+96000P
[SecurityID] 48 = CME_33~EqOp,ES,2,201301,96000,1,0~,,3,,,,
[SecurityExchange] 207 = CME_EqOp
[MaturityMonthYear] 200 = 20130100
[SecurityType] 167 = OPT (OPTION)
[SecuritySubType] 762 = 33 (STRADDLE)
[MinTradeVol] 562 = 1
[Currency] 15 = USD
[MinPriceIncrementAmount] 1146 = 5;P<-500=25;P>500=25;
[PriceRatio] 5770 = 5/1
[NoLegs] 555 = 2
[LegSymbol] 600 = ES
[LegRatioQty] 623 = 1
[LegSide] 624 = 1 (BUY)
[LegSecurityID] 602 = CME_20130100_ESF3 C0960
[LegCurrency] 556 = USD
[LegStrikePrice] 612 = 96000
[LegPutOrCall] 1358 = 1 (CALL)
[LegSecurityExchange] 616 = CME_EqOp
[LegSymbol] 600 = ES
[LegRatioQty] 623 = 1
[LegSide] 624 = 1 (BUY)
[LegSecurityID] 602 = CME_20130100_ESF3 P0960
[LegCurrency] 556 = USD
[LegStrikePrice] 612 = 96000
[LegPutOrCall] 1358 = 0 (PUT)
[LegSecurityExchange] 616 = CME_EqOp

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